Close contacts on Christchurch, Queenstown flights

Passengers in seat rows on several Auckland flights to Christchurch and a flight to Auckland from Queenstown have been listed as close contacts of a positive Covid-19 case following an update on the Ministry of Health's website today.

Today the ministry updated its locations of interest to include several seat rows of three different flights from Auckland to Christchurch and a flight from Queenstown to Auckland.

Passengers are close contacts if they were sitting in rows 22, 23 , 24 , 25 or 26 on flight NZ0535 Auckland to Christchurch (Saturday 29 January from 11am - 12.25pm).

The second flight is flight JQ237 Auckland to Christchurch (Monday 24 January from 4pm - 5.30pm) and includes rows 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 as close contacts.

Flight NZ0551 Auckland to Christchurch on Wednesday 26 January from 3pm - 4.15pm included rows 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 as close contacts.

The flight to Auckland from Queenstown was flight NZ622 on Saturday 22 January from 3pm - 5pm and lists rows 20, 21 , 22, 23 and 24 as close contacts.

Advice for passengers on those flights in these rows is to self-isolate, test immediately and on day 5 after you were exposed. 

These new locations of interest follow an update yesterday which included another Auckland-Christchurch flight NZ0566 which flew on Sunday.

Timaru Airport (Friday 28 January from 10.30am - 10.45am) is still listed as a location interest after being announced on Tuesday.

The plane involved was flight NZ8193 Wellington to Timaru (Friday, January 28 from 9am - 10.30am).

A Duntroon couple are self-isolating after their daughter, who was aboard the Timaru flight, tested positive for the virus.

There are currently eight active cases of Covid-19 in the Canterbury DHB area, including one who is in Christchurch Hospital.

So far no active cases in the South Canterbury or Southern DHB areas have been announced.

For a complete list of locations of interest visit the ministry's website.