Global Leisure Group, which has completed a needs assessment and feasibility study on the concept, has recommended a new "hub" facility be built in Omakau to benefit the town, the wider Manuherikia and Ida Valley.
The report makes a range of recommendations, including the need to cater for both small and large events.
It also recommends partitioning walls and storage to assist a range of community activities, which could possibly include a gym.
The Omakau Recreation Reserve is a favoured location for the hub.
It is expected to cost $3million, to be funded through a range of grants, community fundraisers and Vincent Community Board rates.
Fundraising has already started, this year's winter feed competition raising $31,000 for the project.
The Omakau Recreation Reserve committee, supported by Central Otago District Council community development staff, will host a community drop-in session from 4.30pm to 6.30pm at the rugby clubrooms on November 19 to discuss the proposed facility further.
Omakau Recreation Reserve committee secretary Colin Stevenson welcomed members of the community to attend to share their views.
"This is a much-needed facility," he said.
"Our growing community desperately needs a centralised multi-purpose hub to bring people together and the feasibility study report has confirmed this."