Uni classes restricted

Some University of Otago classes will continue to be taught online due to gathering limits under Level 2.

The university yesterday advised students that while in-person classes could resume on Monday, there would be a maximum of 100 people in the same room and 1m distancing must be observed.

That meant some teaching would remain online, even for students on campus.

Online teaching for those students who were unable to return to campus would also continue.

Many students headed home at the start of lockdown, and those in Auckland were not allowed to leave under its Level 4 rules.

Details about how each paper would be taught would be communicated to students by Friday.

Face coverings must be worn when visiting student health services, Unipol and other at retail outlets on campus.

They were also strongly recommended at all other times, including in teaching and learning spaces, libraries and group study spaces, and research and laboratory spaces, but were not mandatory.

Contact tracing was also required on campus.

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