23 drivers caught using phones in an hour

Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images
Twenty-three motorists were pulled up by Dunedin police for using cellphones in just an hour this morning. 

The Dunedin Impairment Prevention Team was focusing on distracted drivers in Crawford St (State Highway 1) this morning and issued 23 infringement notices for cellphone use from 8.30am to 9.30am. 

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said the team issued 32 infringements in total, which also included two for running red lights and seven for not wearing seat belts.

Road users were reminded to ensure the basics were met when driving.

They included wearing seatbelts, not using cell phones while driving and taking care at intersections. 

Best practice when driving

Waka Kotahi/ NZ Transport Agency advise road users:

• Don’t use a phone at all. Let calls go to voicemail and don’t respond to any messages you receive. Only use your phone once you’ve pulled over and parked safely. This is the safest choice and it allows you to respond fully once you’re parked.

• Have an app or function like ‘Do not disturb while driving’ mode activated on your phone. Text messages and other notifications are silenced or limited, but you can still play music and get navigation assistance.

If you decide to use your phone legally:

• Use it on a hands-free device/mounting - while this is practical, it still carries risk

• Use it only for navigation (enter the destination before you drive) or as a music source (set it up before you drive).


